You will get the benefit of our excellent success rate in dealing with problem behaviours and training issues
We will provide you with training in the environment which the behaviour occurs, or one very similar. We fully understand the how difficult and stressful it can be for you owing a dog with less than perfect behaviour. We are here to help and most of our clients see observable changes very quickly. The over financial cost to you of what we provide is relatively low if you look at that cost over the time of your dog's time with you, it is a worthwhile investment with potentially huge returns. If you have tried other dog trainers before with no or little results, then contact us. You and your dog deserve it.
Why Choose
Is your dog out of control? Does she do her own thing off lead? Does he refuse to come back when called? Does she pull like a train on the lead? If so, training,
mainly involving simple fun exercises, is generally all that is required to bring your dog under control. This also ties in with adolescent dog training.
"Over the last few years, there has been an increase in other trainers using a slip lead on the dogs the work with. There are many explanations given to how and why they work but they are effectively a noose around your dog's neck which tightens up when they misbehave. The video to the right, gives more detailed information as to how they work by causing pain/discomfort. We will never us an electric collar, prong collar, choke chain, slip lead or other aversive training tolls with your dog"
Puppy Training/Consultations
Getting off to the right start with your puppy is crucial. Adequate preparation beforehand and proper knowledge can make the pup’s transition as smooth as possible. Your new puppy will quickly reach adolescence in a few months and proper training is essential. I teach how to get your puppy used to being handled by adults (including the vet) and being around children, what to chew and when, to get used to spending periods of time alone without distress, to get used to travelling, to start the process of coming back to you when you call and toilet training. You’ll learn that training a dog is something that takes place every moment you spend in its company and I can teach you how to avoid bad habits and learn good ones so that your dog knows exactly how you want it to behave. A one hour puppy consultation as soon as your puppy comes home or shortly afterwards can reap huge benefits.
New Dog Consultations
Similar to getting a new puppy, getting things right from the start with a newly adopted adult dog can make the difference between months of inappropriate, confused behaviour and the life you want with your dog. Sharing your home with a dog will usually take a bit of adjustment by you and your dog. I can teach you how to avoid the most common mistakes many well intentioned and caring owners may make. This will help make the early days of rehoming your new adult dog as undisruptive as possible and increases the chance of you both settling into your new circumstances as quickly as possible.
Adolescent Dog Training
Adolescence can last until the dog is 2 or 3 years old depending on the breed. Larger breeds take longer to reach maturity than the smaller breeds. This period can be trying for owners as their well trained puppy now starts to show signs of independence. Your dog is not being disobedient during this period, merely exploring the world like any teenager does. Training during this period allows you to continue to enjoy your dog without stressing about teen problems.
Behaviour Consultations
Behavioural issues are usually more complex than training issues and can include fearful behaviour around dogs or people, aggression towards dogs or people, guarding or aggressive behaviours around food or toys and separation distress or anxiety. These issues are usually caused by underlying emotional issues which need to be changed in the dogs mind. I work by keeping your dog feeling safe, teaching you how to do this also and, at the same time, changing your dog’s emotional reaction to what is causing them stress to a more positive one.
Living with an aggressive or reactive dog can be extremely stressful. Some owners find that they resort to walking their dog in the early hours of the morning or late at night in order to avoid meeting people or other dogs. Confidence in your dog and your ability to handle it usually falls sharply too. Working to improve the behaviour of aggressive or reactive dogs is challenging; not all cases are simple and nor can they be cured quickly or without effort. I can work outdoors so that your dog can adjust to spending quality time outdoors and behaving calmly in public and I can teach you handling skills which will improve your confidence in dealing with your dog in an outdoor or strange environment. In the majority of cases there can be marked improvement in the way the dog reacts to other dogs or people. I have assisted dozens of owners in being able to enjoy the life they want with their dogs.
Separation Issues
Often, behaviours which dogs show when their owners are absent are due to boredom and lack of stimulation. Our dogs often spend several hours at a time on their own and they need to be taught how to spend this time without barking, digging or chewing. The earlier this is done when you bring your new dog or puppy home, the greater the chance of success, but improvements are always capable of being made. However, if your dog has genuine separation distress and anxiety, I can also help you work towards a solution.

I wish John was closer to Poland! He is one of the best trainer i have met. He has a scientific knowledge which can apply in practice. He is also a wonderful colleague any trainer can turn to for help! I would recommend him to anyone!

The advice and dedication from this awesome trainer not only touches the lives of dogs in Scotland but the world over. From his films and to his open, willingness to help all dog owners in a manner which shows how kind he is, not only to dogs, but to the humans as well. I can't recommend John more.